Meet some of the talented writers behind your favourite articles on Honest Food Talks.
Our writers come from a variety of different backgrounds and provide our readers with unique insights into the local food scene. They are based in Singapore, Japan, the UK, the Netherlands, and more.
David Chu was born and raised in London to Vietnamese-Chinese parents. Ever since he was 11, he dreamt about running his own food business. Then in 2014, David started up Carrots & Daikon a Vietnamese deli shop in London selling homemade Vietnamese food with his two best friends and family and the rest is history.
Nyasha Oliver is a writer based in London. She founded Nyam with Ny in 2020 to introduce more people to spicy dishes and recipes from around the world. She has also written pieces for Bad Form Review, Monocle, Sesi Magazine and WhatCulture.
Akshita Pacholi has accomplished a Master's degree in English Literature and presently is working as a content writer. She loves reading, writing short stories, poems, and blogs. Akshita loves sports and is curious to learn new things.
Born and raised on the island of Kauai in Hawaii and now living in Las Vegas, Nevada. Aileen grew up with the influences of her Asian Filipino heritage and the culture of Hawaii. One of her passions is cooking and baking. She enjoys being a Foodie influencer blogging mostly about food & cocktails.
Savanna Olsson is the creator of Lagom Eats. It is designed to be a one-stop site for home cooks like herself to learn yummy recipes and have step-by-step videos to guide them along the way! Follow her YouTube channel to learn how to cook new delicious dishes each week.